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Food Safety to a Higher Level: Transition to FSSC 22000 Version 6
Discover the globally recognized FSSC 22000 version 6.0 for food safety culture, with essential updates and a smooth transition period until March 31, 2025. Prepare your organization for this important upgrade with expert guidance from Schouten Advies.
Foto veld met windmolens
What do the sustainability guidelines CSDDD and CSRD mean for your business?
Schouten Advies provides insight and support for the new sustainability obligations and reporting requirements starting in 2024.
Labeling of Feed Additives in Animal Feed
Learn all about the correct labeling of additives in animal feed.
Misleading Labeling of Whole Grain Products
Discover the rules and requirements for whole grain products according to the NVWA. Avoid misleading labeling and learn how to correctly label your products. Contact us for advice!

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