Our services and quality systems

Services work safety

A safe working environment helps prevent accidents and long-term sick leave. A safe environment pays dividends in the form of increased employee satisfaction. Due to changes in legislation, the responsibility for a safe working environment now lies all the more fully on your shoulders as an employer. With an RI&E (risk inventory and evaluation), you get immediate insight into the risks present in your company. Safety should not be left to chance.

FAMI-QS certification ensures the safety and quality of feed ingredients and affects the entire food production chain. Schouten Advies provides consultancy, system implementation, and training to help companies comply with FAMI-QS standards and improve food safety.
MarinTrust certification helps companies in promoting sustainable sourcing and production of marine ingredients worldwide.
Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)
ASC certification supports sustainable aquaculture and social responsibility in the food and feed industry.
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
MSC certification contributes to sustainable fishing and guarantees the quality of seafood products.
Assessment of in-house RI&
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Animal by-products
The use of animal (by-) products is subject to strict regulations in the EU. Schouten Advies has been helping companies to master this complexity for years
FSSC 22000
FSSC 22000 is the only ISO 22000 based certification scheme recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). GFSI-recognised certification is requested by many large retailers such as Carrefour and Albert Heijn, but also by leading production companies. In addition to various standards for Food-related companies, FSSC 22000 also has a standard for Feed.
ISO 14001
Schouten Advies is your partner in the design and implementation of a ISO 14001 quality system.
Round Table of Responsible Soy (RTRS)
You can contact Schouten Advice with all your questions about RTRS
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
RSPO aims to make palm oil more sustainable. Schouten Advies can help you future-proof your own organisation with RSPO.
More and more attention is being paid to the residual flows of food and feed. REDCert is a certification system that demonstrates sustainability and CO2 reduction.
Better Biomass - NTA 8080
A Beter Biomass certificate shows that the biomass you produce, process, trade or use is sustainable. We can help you with this standard.
VCA for companies
We can help you obtain your VCA certificate, so that you can focus on the health and safety of your colleagues
Work safety workshops
Keep work safety front of mind with workshops by Schouten Advies! We organise workshops to develop and maintain the safety awareness of your staff.
Risk Inventarisation & Evaluation
With an RI&E from Schouten Advies, you will lay the foundation that will make your organisation safer for employees
Dangerous substances
Do you know what to do with dangerous substances at your company? Schouten Advies helps you to handle dangerous substances well.
Explosion safety (ATEX 153)
Schouten Advies assists in complying with the ATEX guidelines and in reducing the risk of explosions at your company
Machine safety
Are the machines at your company safe? Schouten Advies can help you make sure!
Health and safety management system
A well-developed health and safety management system is the basis for improving safety in the workplace.
Toolbox meetings
Safety should be ingrained in your organisation. Our toolbox meetings can help you raise awareness.
When it comes to food, there's a huge amount of legislation with which you as a company in the foodstuffs industry must comply. And the regulations differ slightly in each new country in which you operate. Schouten Advies helps by showing you the way and guiding you through the maze of laws and regulations.
HACCP stands for ‘Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points’. HACCP was developed by the World Health Organisation. It’s an internationally recognised system for the production, management and delivery of safe feed and food.
Feed is an important link in the animal production chain: they have a direct influence on the quality and safety of food of animal origin. Consumers of meat, dairy and eggs expect safe and high-quality products. A GMP+ certificate shows your customers that you take food safety seriously.
Within the food-producing industry, increasing attention is being paid to corporate responsibility. As a result, demand for from animal feed industry for raw materials that are produced and traded with respect for people, animals and the environment is increasing.
Feed is an important link in the animal production chain: they have a direct influence on the quality and safety of food of animal origin. Consumers of meat, milk and eggs expect industry and retailers to deliver safe and high-quality products.
IFS is an originally German food safety standard that is applied internationally, in particular by suppliers of retailers of food.
ISO 22000
NEN-EN-ISO-22000 is a food safety certificate that is applied internationally throughout the food chain. It is based on the HACCP principle of the Codex Alimentarius and the principles of ISO for management. All ISO standards come from the International Organisation for Standardisation. Their standards and their structure are applied in many countries.
Since 2010, all companies dealing in plant protection products must be CDG certified and must be included in the CDG Foundation register.
There is an increasing demand for products without genetically modified organisms (GMOs). To meet the demand of the livestock farms that produce non-GMO products such as meat, dairy and eggs, the VLOG certification has been developed.
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Have you not found your quality system?
Is the quality system that you had in mind or what your client requested but could you not find it on our website? Then contact us! We’re sure we can still be of service.
Qualität und Sicherheit (QS), is a German standard and includes the quality assurance of the production of food of animal origin (in particular meat products) from producer to end consumer. Quality assurance of "Farm to shop".
KAT is a German organisation that monitors the production of eggs of alternative and current origin from Germany and the surrounding EU countries. For laying companies, packing stations, as well as compound feed companies, specific standards and requirements are laid down in the "KAT Kriterien."
Feed is an important link in the animal production chain: they have a direct influence on the quality and safety of food of animal origin. Consumers of meat, dairy and eggs expect safe and high-quality products. An EFISC-GTP certificate shows your customers that you take food safety seriously.
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Sustainability is playing an increasingly important role in our society. Sustainable products contribute less to CO2 emissions, strengthen biodiversity or are produced with the well-being of humans and animals of paramount importance. An ISCC certificate shows that you take sustainability seriously and act to increase the integrity of the quality system.
ISO 9001
NEN-EN-ISO 9001 is the standard in the field of quality management. By obtaining ISO 9001 certification, you demonstrate that your products and services are of consistent quality, just like your customer expects.
A label is not simply a pretty picture on your product, it also provides the user with information about the technical details of your product. Composing a label is subject to all kinds of complex rules and laws. Improper labels therefore often cause recalls or penalties in the foodstuffs industry. We can help you navigate this minefield and prevent problems. We can check or compose your labels so that you can ship your products with confidence.
Quality manual
Schouten Advies has been working on its manuals for more than 25 years. They have been continuously improved throughout the years in order to have your quality system work as effectively as possible. You'll find everything you need for your quality system in the manual. The clear structure of a Schouten Advies manual makes it easy for everyone to find the information they need at that moment.
Training courses
Schouten Advies provides dozens of training courses each year. These courses are on foodstuffs, animal feed, sustainability and non-GM products, to name but a few. In addition, we also provide training for Code 95 drivers, for example. We offer these training courses at our offices in Giessen. More information about these training courses can be found here.
Quality care
Schouten Advies is an experienced specialist in quality management systems. We advise and support companies actively in the feed and food sectors. Our customers, varying from one-man shops to multinationals, operate in the chain of animal feed and foodstuffs for human consumption.
Internal audits
Nearly all certification schemes require internal audits. This fits very well into the Deming quality circle: Checking and Updating come after Planning and Doing. An internal audit checks what you do and gives you handholds for improving your quality system. The experienced consultants at Schouten Advies can perform your internal audit.
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Shelf-life studies and challenge tests
Shelf-life studies for foodstuffs are important in order to gain insight into the degradation of products during the course of time between production and consumption. These studies are extra important for critical ready-to-eat foodstuffs and products that are susceptible to the spread of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) and other pathogens. These are primarily ready-to-eat foodstuffs that are cooled and/or packaged in gas and intended for immediate consumption (without reheating).

Need our help?

Do you need immediate advice? We are known for our short lines of communication and ensure that you quickly get to speak to one of our consultants.