Our services and quality systems


A label is not simply a pretty picture on your product, it also has to comply with complex rules and legislation. Improper labels are therefore often the cause of recalls or penalties. Ensuring proper labelling can be a serious challenge. We can help you navigate this minefield and prevent problems. Schouten Advies supports you by providing clarity about laws and regulations and by checking and composing labels. So you can be certain that your labels are OK.

Schouten Advies can also support you in building up capacity and knowledge when it comes to labelling. Take one of our labelling training courses at our own location or contact us to discuss the possibilities for an in-company labelling training.

“For us, Schouten Advies is an essential link for complying with all requirements.”
Quality Food Group International

We can help
Would you like our advice? We are known for our short lines of communication and will make sure that one of our consultants gets in touch with you quickly.