Our services and quality systems


When it comes to feed, there is considerable legislation with which you as an animal feed company must comply. And the regulations differ slightly in each new country in which you operate. Schouten Advies can guide you through the maze of laws and regulations.

Quality systems
Most quality systems take into account the legislation of the country in which the scheme-holder operates. With a GMP + certificate, for example, you will generally comply with Dutch and European laws and regulations. Schouten Advies has considerable knowledge in-house about laws and regulations and can help with all your questions.

Training in animal feed legislation
Schouten Advies offers a broad range of training courses. Among other topics, we offer a training course on animal feed legislation. Click here for a summary of all our training courses. Looking for a training course about a subject that’s not in the summary of training courses? Schouten Advies can set up a training course focused entirely on your needs. For more information about the possibilities, please contact Schouten Advies.

“For us, Schouten Advies is an essential link for complying with all requirements.”
Quality Food Group International