Services/quality systems

Toolbox meeting

How do you involve your colleagues in your health and safety policy? A toolbox meeting is a short contact moment during which one specific safety theme is discussed together with your colleagues. During these meetings, employees are encouraged to think about the subject for themselves. After all, your employees are the people who do the work. A toolbox meeting does not have to last longer than 30 minutes and can therefore take place during a shift change. With toolbox meetings you can keep everyone on their toes.


What is the difference between a toolbox meeting and a workshop? 

Article 8 of the Dutch Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) states that the employer must provide effective information about the work to be performed and the associated risks and measures to be taken. You can meet this obligation with toolbox meetings, short training sessions of approximately 30 minutes focused on one specific safety theme. For example, ‘working safely with ladders and stairs’.

During a workshop (approximately 1.5 – 2 hours), one safety theme is further explored. In addition to continuous interaction with the teacher, participants receive small assignments and (practical) exercises during a workshop. Click here for more information about our workshops.


Toolbox meetings and Schouten Advies

Of course you are not on your own. We can organise these toolbox meetings at your company. Together with you, we determine the subject of the meetings and plan them. A work safety expert will then visit the location to supervise these meetings.

You can also choose to organise your toolbox meeting yourself. Schouten Advies offers the materials to keep the toolbox on the right track. With these tools, your own staff can organize a toolbox meeting themselves in an accessible manner.

We offer the following toolboxes: 

  • introduction/acquaintance with working conditions;
  • outcomes of your risk inventory and evaluation;
  • results of explosion safety document;
  • explosion-proof work;
  • Last Minute Risk Analysis (LMRA);
  • working safely with hazardous substances;
  • exposure to dust;
  • manual top-up;
  • (use of) personal protective equipment;
  • recognising physical (over)load;
  • noise;
  • working in confined spaces;
  • work at height;
  • working with ladders and stairs;
  • fire-hazardous work;
  • calamities and emergencies; (based on emergency plan);
  • lifting loads;
  • reporting incidents;
  • order and neatness;
  • first aid;
  • hygiene.

Is the subject you are looking for not listed? Schouten Advies can also make a custom toolbox for you. You can contact us via

“Because the training was given in-company, it was well tailored to our business practice”
ABZ Diervoeding

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