
Basic HACCP and FSSC 22000 Training

FSSC 22000 is a food safety management system that is based on the ISO 22000 standard and is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). The certification scheme focuses on ensuring food safety within the food industry. It is based on HACCP according to Codex Alimentarius and the management principles according to ISO, together with additional requirements of FSSC.

HACCP, which stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, is a risk assessment for food. The system is designed to ensure food safety by identifying and controlling hazards in preparation and treatment processes.

The FSSC certificate offers companies the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to food safety, meets international standards and increases consumer and major retailer confidence (such as Carrefour and Albert Heijn).

Target Group
This course is suitable for employees of food companies who want to obtain their FSSC 22000 certificate and/or for companies that want to train new employees. The course is intended for quality managers, quality employees, management, logistics, purchasers, sellers and operators.

This training is delivered at a level suitable for professionals with an bachelor level (HBO) / upper secondary education levels (MBO).

This one-day training lasts 7 hours and consists of a morning and afternoon program. The following topics will be covered:

  • What is FSSC 22000 and a food safety management system?
  • Importance of food safety and the purpose of certification schemes
  • Key themes of ISO 22000:
    • Context of the organization
    • Leadership
    • Planning
    • Support
    • Execution
    • Improvement
    • Evaluation
    • HACCP
      • Origin and purpose
      • Hazard and risk
      • 7 principles of HACCP
      • Control measures
  • Specific additional requirements of FSSC, including:
    • Food safety culture
    • Food fraud and food defense
    • Allergen management
    • Environmental monitoring
    • Food waste and food loss
    • Purchasing products and services
    • Labeling and claims
    • Cross contamination
    • Management of materials and equipment
    • Quality control
    • Changes version 6.0 compared to 5.1

During this training, various practical cases, (group) exercises and realistic examples will be used to help participants better understand the concepts and applications. Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate as proof of participation in the training.

Learning Objectives
The ultimate goal of the training is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively within an FSSC 22000 certified environment.

Other learning objectives are:

  1. Understanding FSSC22000 and food safety management: Participants will learn what FSSC22000 is, the importance of food safety, and the purpose of certification schemes.
  2. Knowledge of HACCP: Participants will understand the origin and purpose of HACCP, as well as the 7 principles of HACCP and how control measures can be applied.
  3. Insight into the specific additional requirements of FSSC compared to ISO 22000

On registration / in-company
This training can be offered in-company at your company. In addition, the training is regularly given on registration. The dates for this can be found in the training schedule on:

On registration: see training schedule
In-company: contact for a proposal.

On registration: Dutch
In-company: choice of Dutch or English

To register for the registration training or for more information about this in-company training, you can send an email to

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