The Basics of Internal Auditing
What is an internal audit?
An internal audit is an evaluation of an organization’s quality management system to ensure that it is being implemented effectively and that it meets the organization’s objectives. Internal audits are a valuable tool for identifying areas for improvement and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.
What does an internal auditor do?
During an internal audit, the auditor will conduct interviews, review documents, and prepare an audit report. An audit plan must be prepared before the audit begins. This internal audit training will teach you the techniques you need to conduct internal audits on your own. You can use these techniques within your organization, but also for external supplier evaluations. The training is given by experienced consultants who have carried out internal audits in numerous companies. This means you will learn from experts how to conduct an internal audit.
Target Group
This module is specifically designed for employees who conduct (or will conduct) internal audits within their own organization or at suppliers. The focus is on companies in the food and feed sectors. Level: bachelor level (HBO) / upper secondary education levels (MBO).
The training is divided into 2 parts.
Day 1 (4 – 6 hours):
- Quality management
- Introduction to internal auditing
- Theory of conducting and reporting internal audits
- Practical assignments
After the first day, the trainees will be asked to audit (a number of) processes of the company internally. The results of these internal audits will be discussed on the second day.
Day 2 (3 – 4 hours):
- Classroom discussion of the audit assignment
- Recommendations for the internal audit
- Conclusion
Is your organization certified according to ISO 22000, ISO 9001, GMP+ FSA or another scheme that requires you to conduct internal audits? During the course, there is a lot of attention to the daily practice of your company.
During this training, various practical cases, (group) exercises and realistic examples will be used to help participants better understand the concepts and applications. Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate as proof of participation in the training.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Draw up an audit plan;
- Prepare for an audit;
- Conduct an audit interview using different techniques;
- Assess quality documents;
- Write an internal audit report.
On registration / in-company
This training can be offered in-company at your company.
Contact training@schoutenadvies.nl for a proposal
Choice of Dutch or English
For more information about this in-company training, please send an email to training@schoutenadvies.nl.

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